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Power Derby



Here we are given a zip file with the password as infected, this was extracting a PS1 file


The best way to decode a powershell file is to let the script do the heavy lifting, in the code we see an iex (Invoke-Expression). The Invoke-Expression cmdlet returns the output of the expression or command after evaluating or running a given string as a command. A string entered at the command line is echoed orĀ unaltered in the absence of invoke-expression. The script generally does the following:

  • Base64 Decoding: It decodes a Base64-encoded string into binary data.

  • Decompression: The binary data is decompressed using the Deflate compression algorithm.

  • Stream Reading: The decompressed data is treated as a stream and read as text using ASCII encoding.

So we can remove the iex cmdlet and assign the rest of the string to a variable


Then we can just ran the variable, to see its contents:


This script is a simple script I copied from github that outputs the system information of a machine, apart from the script we see random comments, which are what seem like base64 code, compile them and decode them to see what they are: Cyberchef is way does it way easier


The decoded base64:

( $SHELLiD[1]+$sHELLID[13]+'X')( ( [cHAR[]] (87, 91,24,94 , 65,89 , 92,115, 38 , 88 , 28 ,28 ,115, 105 , 24 , 95, 85, 115, 38 , 29 , 74,115, 85 ,28, 89 , 115 , 109, 95,71,115 , 38,65 , 31, 115,20 ,78 ,25, 79 , 26, 24, 25 , 30,78 , 27 , 31,24 ,20,78, 21,25,79,73, 72 ,73 , 25, 28,24, 77,74 ,74, 24 , 20 ,28 , 29, 74,21, 81) 
| FoREacH-oBjECt { [cHAR]($_ -BxoR "0x2C" ) } ) -JOin'' )

The general purpose of this code, it is performing bitwise xor with the value 0x2c and after applying the bxor the result is converted to a string using [CHAR]. $SHELLID is a predefined PowerShell variable that contains the name of the current shell host, such as ConsoleHost

Now to decode back to cyberchef we can copy these values in hex and since we know the key perform the operation, we can have a script in powershell that does the work:

$encoded = @(87, 91, 24, 94, 65, 89, 92, 115, 38, 88, 28, 28, 115, 105, 24, 95, 85, 115, 38, 29, 74, 115, 85, 28, 89, 115, 109, 95, 71, 115, 38, 65, 31, 115, 20, 78, 25, 79, 26, 24, 25, 30, 78, 27, 31, 24, 20, 78, 21, 25, 79, 73, 72, 73, 25, 28, 24, 77, 74, 74, 24, 20, 28, 29, 74, 21, 81)

$key = 0x2C

$decodedCharacters = $encoded | ForEach-Object { [char]($_ -bxor $key) }

$decodedString = -join $decodedCharacters

Write-Host "Flag: $decodedString"

the ‘@’ allows us to pass multiple parameters to a variable, running it gives us the flag. {w4rmup_t00_E4sy_1f_y0u_Ask_m3_8b5c6452b7348b95cede504aff4801f9}



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