The aim of this challenge was supposed to be as guessy as possible, hence the name.
The description literally had everything you need i.e multiple ways so if in the sanity 2 if you asked the bot for ‘flag’ it sent you a note in base64 and in the challenge description it said there are multiple ways, how about if we asked the bot for the flag in base64?
If you sent the bot the encoded base64 for flag, Flag or FLAG eg ZmxhZwo=
It sends a very weird text. This is just twitter text steg. In the hint it said something about twitter steg, I found this tool for encoding and decoding also. Copy the first message to decode and you will get this.
2nd one!!
If you open the 2 pastebins i.e
The first one you will get what you are looking for, Rick Roll!!!
The 2nd one will take you a Gdrive link with a text file with a python code
The script is pretty easy to understand, it takes a a string encoded in base64 and executes it as below:
We see there are 3 functions 1 to print the flag, obviously a lie, 2nd to print a random fact and 3 there’s some xor and we are given the hex, well you just need the xor key and try to decode the hex, the key was now in the poem provided in the description, if you observed there were some bolded characters MQKWYXAPCTFLZ(0)DQR;GHFS
Paste this to the code:
Get the Flag